Fidelity Investments: Mobile UX Redesign

01 // Project
The Brief
In today’s world, retail investing is becoming more and more of a popularized way of making a living. Therefore, the demand for platforms & services are at their all-time high. In order for Fidelity to compete with the latest brokerages, they needed a much needed update to their user interface. This is it.
User's Challenges
Based on our research, we’ve discovered a couple major challenges that users face on a daily basis when using the Fidelity Investments App. Some challenges they encounter are tasks like having accurate and easily digestible charts, finding stocks they're interested in, and overall usability and navigations of the app.
02 // User Research & Analysis
Our target demographic
The target demographic of the Fidelity Investment mobile app were individuals from the United States who have an interest in investing and trading stocks, derivatives, options, etc. Before my team and I conducted research, we created guidelines as follows:
+ Must be 18 years of age or older
+ Has some previous experience and knowledge of investing
+ Has previously used the Fidelity Investment App
Online User Surverys
The way I conducted user research was through utilizing the Google Forms platform to structure a 20 question survey. I was fortunate enough to get, providing me with a semi-large sample size. This helped with the development and design of the solutions in our new version of the iOS mobile app. I’ve provided some key questions below from the surveys I administered.

Pre-existing UI

03 // Data & Pain Points
Reflecting on the numbers
Throughout the years of 2019 - 2021, the pandemic has made a huge impact on the global economy. Since then, various types of investors have flooded the stock market. has theorized that retail investors own 77% of the market capitalization. Furthermore, based on a survey, the top 3 most important items to investors are news, charts/scans/alerts, and connectivity to the brokerage they use.

04 // User Persona

05 // Information Architecture

06 // Final Wireframes
& Layout

Account Page

Search Page

Explore Page

Settings Page